Learning to live with the shadow of grief.

You will start to feel light once more, you will see the vibrant colours painted in each day, you will hear laughter again, you will find joy in things as you did before, within the calming stillness of a tranquil morning, the suspended glide of a bird in flight, or in the sun as it continues to rise and fall with each eternal breath it takes.  

After we make it to the other side of this pandemic, let us never take the beauty of life for granted again.

By Mollie Campbell Throughout this surreal period of self-isolation and social distancing, I have been re-reading some of my favourite poetry books/authors. Despite this pandemic, I don’t want to take this time for granted, so instead of going on social media/using technology every 10 minutes, I am going back to basics. We may not beContinue reading “After we make it to the other side of this pandemic, let us never take the beauty of life for granted again.”